Setting the tone.
Bigtree Bonsai is a five-piece alt-country, folk, rock band from Minneapolis. In the winter of 2013 they released their first full-length LP, Awoken.
Establishing your name in any music scene can be a challenge. Bigtree needed help not just creating an album cover, but a cohesive brand toolkit to use in the marketing and buildup to their release. These are the visual executions of those such efforts.
Sound good, look good.
The album theme was based on personal revelations and musical discovery as a band coming of age. I wanted to create a look that embodied both the genre of music and the personalities each member brought to the table.
As an independent musician, it's tough to get noticed. One of the more strategic concepts on the packaging are the portraits. Despite the fact that portraits on album covers wasn't the trending aesthetic (in 2013) we did it anyway to better help with recognition and to add a more honest, human connection to the listeners.
Music video for their first single, Rollin' down the road. Video and production by The Wildernesses Photography.
Uniquely designed for the fan in mind.
A digital experience that included a sticky footer audio player, global announcement bar for upcoming shows, hero banner for featured content, social feeds and sharing, a video player and an online store for purchasing music and band merchandise.
Album release and album tour posters.
Crowdfunding video introduction that ended up helping Bigtree double their initial ask. IgnitionDeck spotlight feature
More promo shorts in anticipation of the album.
Back to the start EP
Custom designed icon used in the early promotion of the band, including their first EP, Back to the start.